Fulfilling the Needs
//Let's usefuldiscuss how each feature in the Discourse forum can help GuideStarIndia build and nurture its community:
Topics or Conversations: The ability to share resources, guides, and other valuable content with the community. Discourse's editor supports proper markdown, external links, and resource embedding, ensuring that information is presented effectively.
Effective Discussions: Discourse offers features like chat-like threads for topics, polls, and personal messaging, facilitating engaging and interactive discussions within the community.
Admin Dashboard: The admin dashboard allows GuideStar India to identify community health metrics and analyze user engagement, helping them make informed decisions to improve the community.
Trust System and Badges: Discourse's trust system and badges incentivize community members to become trusted regulars. As members earn badges, they gain abilities to help maintain the community, fostering a sense of
discourseownership and responsibility. -
100% Open Source: Being a free and open-source software hosted on GuideStar India's own DigitalOcean servers ensures data privacy and security, crucial for building trust among community members.
Categorization: Discourse allows topics to be properly tagged and categorized, making it easier for users to find relevant information and engage with specific topics of interest.
Groups: Discourse's group feature allows GuideStar India to create internal and external groups for communication. External groups can be categorized to distinguish each nonprofit based on their certifications, facilitating effective communication and collaboration within the community.