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Module 1 | Levels of impact storytelling

Session 0

30 minutes


Listening with intent

  • Split up the cohort into groups of two each. Tell them that they have 15 minutes to get introduced to each other. Then they have to come back and introduce the other person to the group.
    • Instructions for the introduction:- In the first five minutes, one person asks their partner questions to know more about them, and allows them to speak as much as they want to. The first person's job then is to listen carefully. No taking notes or anything. Just listening.
      - In the next five minutes, the roles are reversed.
      - They have five minutes for follow-up questions and to gather back at the table.

      - Each person then has to introduce their partner to the rest of the group, in under 2 minutes.
Learning outcomes
  • Understanding that listening with intent, empathy is a skill that can be learned.
  • Understanding that this is a skill that will come in extremely handy when working in social impact. 

Session 1

1.5 hours


Four levels of impact storytelling, from discoverability to visibility and engagement to impact.

  • Empathy walk + introductions
  • Introduce the example of a primary school. Ask open questions about what a school needs in order to run. Allow participants to answer and discuss.
  • Establish that the school needs students and teachers to run. Ask the participants to openly discuss what could possibly be the best ways to reach out to students and teachers.
  • Once it is established that the website is a great medium for reaching out to students, teachers and parents, explain the term discoverability.
  • Start drawing the Levels of Impact Storytelling ladder on a chart paper or whiteboard, with Discoverability as the first step, L1.
  • Ask the cohort questions like, 'How will people know that the website exists?', 'If the school wants to make a hiring announcement, what happens after the JD is put up on the website?', 'What should the school do to ensure more people see the JD?'
  • Build up to the concept of Visibility. Add it to the ladder as L2.
  • Give an example about a JD for a math teacher, that lists experience and all details except for expected salary. Explain the concept of Engagement when potential candidates comment on the post asking for more details, or asking whom they can contact for more details. Mark Engagement as L3 in the ladder.
  • Use this example to show how levels are interconnected. Explain how the comments on the post point to a lack of detail in the JD, which means one has to go back to L1 level (updating the JD with all details)
  • Explain how doing L1, L2, and L3 consistently leads to L4, Impact; in this case, hiring the right faculty.
Learning outcomes
  • Introduction to the idea that there are different levels of storytelling
  • Understanding why each level is important, and how they are all interconnected and important.