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Module 2: Creating and Organising Content

Objective: Learn how to add, structure, and edit content within BookStack.

1. Creating Books, Chapters, and Pages

  • Step-by-step guide to creating a book, adding chapters, and creating pages.
  • Hands-on Exercise: Create a book titled “Community Project Documentation,” with chapters like “Introduction,” “Objectives,” and “Methodologies.”pages.

2. Organising Content for Accessibility

  • Tips for structuring content logically for different audiences.
  • Example: Arrange chapters to guide readers through a topic, such as “Volunteer Training.”

3. Editing and Formatting Pages

  • Using text editor tools: headings, bullet points, images, and tables.
  • Hands-on Exercise: Add an image to a page, format a list, and insert a table to practice common content editing tasks.

End of Module Exercise: Create a sample chapter and page structure that reflects an organizational need, such as team guidelines or a policy handbook.